
My Calendars Are Not Showing Up


When Morning is launched for the first time, it prompts you to allow access to your built in calendars and it's possible that you might have selected no or somehow the permissions for Calendars for Morning got turned off.

To see if this is not the case, try going to your iPad's Settings and then on the left Privacy > Calendars and see if Morning is there and switched to On.

Calendar Lists

Morning allows you to specify what calendars to display in the app. You do this by tapping on the Events panel and selecting the left settings button (the gear) and you'll see a list of calendars with checkboxes you can toggle. In rare cases these can become unchecked, make sure the calendar you want to see is checked.

No Events Later Today

Morning is designed to be used to help you get a head start on the day ahead. Therefore we decided to only show you the events that we thought will be most important for you. Specifically any events in the past hour and any events for the rest of the day.


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